Martin Aurell passes away... Grievous Loss to the Angevins

With his passing the first Plantagenets (or the Angevins, as you prefer) lost their champion across the Narrow Sea, in their continental domains, whereas the world lost one of the greatest experts in the Angevin Empire. Three days ago I read about Professor Martin Aurell's sudden death and I was very sad to pass on the news. Not to mention how it grieved me when the realization dawned that there would be no more books, nor articles to read, no lectures to listen to. To commemorate Professor and to inform other medievalists about his passing (the news appeared mainly on the French Internet) I wrote an obituary for You can read it here

Professor Martin Aurell. Obituary

Thinking about this grievous loss the words of Bertran de Born's planh dedicted to the Young King come to mind:

[...] And hauberks and swords, and beautiful buckram, helmets and golfalons, doublets, and lappets and joy and love have nobody to maintain them or to bring them back. They will follow you; like all mighty honorable deeds they will disappear with you.

from Mon chan fenis ab dol et ab maltraire

Thankfully, your books and articles and essays will not disappear with you. God speed, Monsieur Professor! 

                                             Photo courtesy of Département de Maine-et-Loire

Katarzyna Ogrodnik-Fujcik


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