Merry Christmas To All Henry the Young King Readers!

To all Henry the Young King's readers. Greeting! Our blog is taking a break until 6 January, so let me wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (hopefully full of Henry the Young King)! Here you can find my text about where and how Christmas was celebrated at the courts of Henry and his family, and here the one about Henry the Young King December anniversaries over the years. I would like to recommend a brilliant post about how Christmas was celebrated in medieval England by Professor Sarah Peverly here.

Stay warm and safe. Hopefully we won't have to suffer what Henry and his consort, Marguerite were through on the Christmas night of 1172, when "a thunder was heard in Ireland and England and in all of France generally, Sudden and dire, portending something great, new and unusual." It must have been heard by both Henry and Marguerite, who held their Christmas court in Normandy, and by Henry's parents, Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine at Chinon.


  1. Wesołych Świąt, Kasia! See you in 2015! :-)

    1. DziekujÄ™, dear Kathryn! :-D Merry Christmas to you and His Majesty!

  2. Merry Christmas! Nadolig Llawen!

    1. Diolch i chi, Anerje (hopefully the Google translation is correct!) Merry Christams to you and your dear Perrot!

  3. Kasia I enjoyed the post by Professor Sarah Peverley, lovely images, & also love the beautiful image you posted. And now I have another blog to check in on from time to time. Would that I could attend some of her events. Even better, let's see if we can get ourselves catapulted back to Henry's court for a fabulous Christmas with everyone!!

    Cheers, Joan

    1. I too love the images, Joan, and I too would love to attend some of Professor Peverley's events, not to mention being catapulted to Henry's court :-)

  4. Thank you, dear Kasia. A very Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. Shared on facebook. Best wishes and A Happy New Year. xx

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, too, dear Marsha! Warmest wishes :-)

  5. Google came up trumps Kasia :)

  6. Thank you, Kasia. Best Christmas wishes to you and your family as well.

    We'll get the usual Christmas storm tomorrow; maybe even with thunder. ;-)


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