That Son of Perdition: Geoffrey Duke of Brittany
Today marks the 856th anniversary of the birth of Geoffrey, the younger brother of Henry the Young King, in England on 23 September 1158. Incidentally, at the time of his arrival, his father, King Henry II, was on the Continent, visiting Paris, where Princess Marguerite (b.1157/1158), the baby daughter of Louis VII of France and Constance of Castile, was confided to his care as the future bride for his eldest surviving son, Henry [our Henry]. But back to Geoffrey- as the fourth son (third surviving) he was to become the duke of Brittany upon his marriage to Constance, the only daughter and heiress of Duke Conan IV, in 1181. The ducal couple was to rule Brittany effectively till Geoffrey's untimely death in 1186. When he lived, Geoffrey supported his brother Henry in his revolts aginst their father, and later their brother Richard. After Henry's premature death in 1183, he allied himself with their youngest brother John [Lackland] against Richard, and later with Philippe Auguste, the king of France, against both his father and Richard. Little wonder the contemporary chroniclers found nothing but condemning words for him, calling him- among others- "that son of perdition" and "that son of iniquity". To find out what the real Geoffrey was, to understand his motives and to celebrate his birthday, I have invited Mr. Malcolm Craig, the expert in Geoffrey and his family, to tell us a few words about a remarkable discovery he made while working on his thesis in Brittany in the 1970s.
Geoffrey's plaque in Notre-dame de Paris (photo: Mr Malcolm Craig)
I am deeply honoured to welcome you to our humble abode, Mr. Craig. Thank you for accepting my invitation. Could you tell us why Geoffrey? Of all Eleanor and Henry's sons, why him? Why not Richard or John or Henry the Young King?
Geoffrey's plaque in Notre-dame de Paris (photo: Mr Malcolm Craig)
I am deeply honoured to welcome you to our humble abode, Mr. Craig. Thank you for accepting my invitation. Could you tell us why Geoffrey? Of all Eleanor and Henry's sons, why him? Why not Richard or John or Henry the Young King?
My favorite medieval century
is the 12th, and my preferred area of study is France and England.
These preferences fit the Norman-Angevin royal family well, and Henry
II was the King of England I always found most interesting. For my
senior thesis topic at Harvard College, Geoffrey was the obvious
choice among Henry and Eleanor's adult sons, since his life and
career had been by far the least studied. I knew very little about
Brittany when I began work on the thesis. I have learned much about
France's western peninsula through subsequent study, and I came to
love Brittany while my wife Allys and I lived in Rennes for 8 months.

Mr. Malcolm Craig atop Notre-Dame de Paris on 8 February 1974, after he had seen Geoffrey's plaque in the cathedral
As Marion Meade said in her biography of Geoffrey's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine: "On September 23, 1158, without fuss or fanfare and almost seeming to be an afterthought, she gave birth to another son, Geoffrey." We know that of all Henry and Eleanor's sons Geoffrey is the least known, not to say utterly forgotten. Historians seem not to care about the duke among kings, as he could be called. But what about Geoffrey's parents? Do you truly believe they treated him as an afterthought? It is my impression that things might have looked quite different.

Mr. Malcolm Craig atop Notre-Dame de Paris on 8 February 1974, after he had seen Geoffrey's plaque in the cathedral
As Marion Meade said in her biography of Geoffrey's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine: "On September 23, 1158, without fuss or fanfare and almost seeming to be an afterthought, she gave birth to another son, Geoffrey." We know that of all Henry and Eleanor's sons Geoffrey is the least known, not to say utterly forgotten. Historians seem not to care about the duke among kings, as he could be called. But what about Geoffrey's parents? Do you truly believe they treated him as an afterthought? It is my impression that things might have looked quite different.
As I said in answer to your
first question, I chose to study Geoffrey's career for the very
reason that it had been so neglected by mainstream historians. The
neglect by historians is partly explained by the fact that he never
became a king. It is disappointing that many historians continue to
repeat the old stereotypes in relation to Geoffrey, despite the
recent work of Judith Everard (references below), who clearly
demonstrated Geoffrey's competence and tact in his administration of
Brittany. It is clear that Geoffrey is the one son who was never the
favorite of either parent, though I believe "afterthought"
is an exaggeration. Perhaps he was a practical and competent son who
was less than lovable. In this regard, a quote from Richard Barber,
Henry Plantagenet
(1964), is apt:
Geoffrey, though skilled in military affairs, eloquent and astute, never won men's hearts or admiration as his elder brothers had done; he took after his Angevin grandfather, in whose dry and ambitious nature these three qualities predominated. (page 220)
Henry II did not neglect his
third surviving son, affiancing him to a great heiress. Constance
brought Brittany on the Continent and the Honor of Richmond in
England to Geoffrey. Typically for Henry, however, he delayed his
son's independent rule of these acquisitions. Geoffrey was active in
Brittany as his father's agent during the late 1170s, but his
accession as Duke was delayed until his marriage with Constance in
1181, when he was 23. He did not receive control of the Honor of
Richmond until 1183, and the County of Nantes was withheld from him
until 1185 or 1186. Despite his demonstrated abilities as both an
administrator and a soldier, his father only granted him real
authority slowly and grudgingly. Geoffrey's mother did mourn her
loss. Eleanor wrote to the pope, while Richard remained in captivity
after the Third Crusade: "My posterity has been snatched from me
. . . . The young king and the Count of Brittany sleep in the dust.
Their unhappy mother is forced to live on, tormented by their
memory." (Quoted by Amy Kelly, Eleanor
of Aquitaine and the Four Kings
(1950), p. 440.)

Geoffrey's plaque in the cathedral (photo: Mr. Malcolm Craig)
What did you learn
about Geoffrey while working on the thesis and later, during your
stay in Brittany? Was he really, as Roger of Howden called him, a son
of iniquity and perdition? Are there still traces of Geoffrey to be
found? I mean his and Constance's foundations, residences, documents,

Geoffrey's plaque in the cathedral (photo: Mr. Malcolm Craig)
My senior thesis was titled "The Career of Geoffrey Plantagenet, Duke Geoffrey II of Brittany" since there was
not sufficient material for a biography. While working on the thesis,
I learned a great deal about that career, about Breton history in the
12th century, and about Geoffrey's relations with other members of
his family. Geoffrey was called "filius perditionis" and
"filius iniquitatis" by Roger of Howden, only in relation
to the rebellion of 1183. Gerald of Wales, who was not favorably
disposed toward the Angevins, had other negative things to say about
Geoffrey. The chief surviving traces of Geoffrey and Constance are in
their documents. For a modern edition of these documents, see Judith
Everard and Michael Jones, The Charters of Duchess Constance of Brittany and Her Family, 1171-1221
(1999). Charter C20 is the one I used to prove the existence of their
second daughter. The volume includes two plates showing copies of
original charters. Dr. Everard's Brittany and the Angevins, Province and Empire, 1158-1203
(2000), demonstrates how effectively Geoffrey ruled Brittany, iure
uxore with Constance, during the five years before his untimely
death. The Chronicle of St.-Brieuc, compiled more than 200 years
after his ducal rule in Brittany ended, stated that while Geoffrey
lived he treated the Breton population well ("dulciter
tractavit"). While this is not contemporary evidence, it may
well reflect a long-standing tradition in Brittany. I did find the
trace of Geoffrey in Paris. In February 1974, when Allys and I
visited Notre-Dame, where Geoffrey was buried, we located the plaque
in his honor. It includes an incorrect year of death, 1185 rather
than 1186.
And this leads us to
your remarkable discovery of the second daughter of Geoffrey and
As explained in detail in a
note called "Proving Matilda" that Sharon Kay Penman
included in her blog in 2010, there was an unproven statement about
Geoffrey's family that I had encountered during research for the
senior thesis. I had kept this bit of information in the back of my
mind for more than six years.
You must have been
tremendously excited about discovering and confirming the existence
of that unknown child. Did you realize then that from that time your
life and Geoffrey's would become inextricable?
While doing research in
Brittany on a much broader topic, I was examining acts of the rulers
of Brittany published by the 19th century Breton historian Arthur de
la Borderie. When I read the 1189 document containing the donation of
Duchess Constance to the abbey of St.-Gildas de Rhuys, made for the
salvation of the soul of the duchess and for the souls of her father
Conan, her husband Geoffrey, and her daughter Matilda, I knew exactly
what I had found. Ralph de Diceto had written that Geoffrey had left
two daughters, and Dom Lobineau (1707) had called her "Mathilde."
Any historical discovery is exciting, but there in our apartment in
Rennes, in January 1974, I was not sure what I would do with the
discovery of this evidence. As I explained in Proving Matilda, Allys
and I saw Professor Martin Havran in London during the next month,
and he steered me in an appropriate direction for publication of this
new information.
How does it feel to
make such a significant historical discovery? You have brought the
little Matilda back to life, after all. I would even risk the
statement that you have given her back to her parents. Thanks to you,
she has emerged from obscurity and back onto the pages of history. In
my view, there is no "bigger" feat to be accomplished by an
From the time of my research
at Harvard in 1966-67, my life had become entwined with the records
of Geoffrey's too-brief life. Proving the existence of a little girl
who lived for no more than two or three years in the 12th century was
significant because of the importance of her family.
How was your life and
work in Brittany? Was it difficult to follow in Geoffrey's footsteps?
Did you receive any help and support from fellow historians?
Allys and I had already lived
in Canada for a school year, when I earned my M.A. at the University
of Toronto. Living in France, where we became familiar with a
different culture and learned to speak a foreign language, was an
even more enriching experience. Naturally, there was an immense
amount of source material on medieval Breton history, both published
and unpublished, available in Brittany. We were able to travel on
occasion, visiting Paris three times, the south of France between
Christmas and New Year, and London in February 1974. We also saw
other parts of Brittany and nearby Normandy and toured the Loire
Valley with my mother and aunt when they visited. The Breton
medievalist, Hubert Guillotel, whom I met in the spring of 1974, was
very helpful. When we were on our way out of the country in June, he
got me into the Bibliothèque Nationale, where I spent two days on
research for the Matilda article. As I have said, my research covered
a much wider topic than Geoffrey and his career. From time to time,
while living in Rennes, I would think about Geoffrey and Constance
living there nearly 800 years before we did.
Since we are here, in
the realm of Geoffrey's elder brother Henry, I feel obliged to ask: do you think Geoffrey and Henry were close? They were allies in their
revolts, this we know, but as brothers?
As far as one can tell, the
relations between Henry and Geoffrey remained cordial as long as both
brothers lived. They may have been united by their mutual antipathy
toward Richard, the brother born between them. Since Henry was the
designated heir to their father's domains, Geoffrey showed political
wisdom by supporting the eldest brother. In 1184, Geoffrey and Constance founded a chaplaincy at the cathedral of Rouen for the soul
of his late brother. A copy of this document is found on page 14 of
Dr. Everard's Charters.
What if Henry had not
died in 1183? Did he and Geoffrey have realistic chances of defeating
their father and Richard?
I think not. As the events in
1183 demonstrated, when Henry used his immense resources to support
Richard, the other two brothers were no match for his combination
with Richard, though intervention by the French king might have
tilted the balance. At that time, John was still a teenager, and not
involved in the intra-familial strife.
What course might
history have taken had Geoffrey not died in 1186?
There is really no way to
tell what course events would have taken between 1186 and 1189. It is
difficult to envision Richard and Geoffrey being on the same side. So
the combination of Richard and Philip against Henry alone would not
have been likely. Whichever brother was allied with the Capetian
king, the other brother would probably have remained loyal to their
father. Once Henry II was gone, Geoffrey would have had to reconcile
himself to Richard's position as ruler of England, Normandy, and
Anjou. Whether Richard would have gone on the Third Crusade and left
such a competent brother behind is another question. Had Geoffrey
lived through the end of the 12th century, he would have followed
Richard as King of England.
What books on Geoffrey
would you recommend? Are there any?
I have mentioned the
pioneering study of late 12th century Brittany by Judith Everard,
citing the two books she published at the end of the 20th century.
There, one will find the most comprehensive and carefully reasoned
analysis of Geoffrey's rule in Brittany in print. In his second
edition of The Angevin Empire (2001),
John Gillingham takes Dr. Everard's scholarship fully into account.
For a contemporary view on Geoffrey's government, I cite Richard
Barber's translation of a poem by Bertran de Born, who compared him
to his elder brothers:
If only Geoffrey, noble duke
of Brittany
Had been the eldest of the
English princes;
For he's a better ruler than
you both!
Finally, though she writes
historical novels rather than straight history, it is my opinion that
Sharon Kay Penman has captured Geoffrey's character extraordinarily
well in both Time
and Chance and
Devil's Brood.
Thank you for paying a visit to Henry the Young King blog and for doing me the rare honour of welcoming you to our humble abode, Mr. Craig. I do believe that the above interview is the best birthday present Duke Geoffrey could get.
Thank you for paying a visit to Henry the Young King blog and for doing me the rare honour of welcoming you to our humble abode, Mr. Craig. I do believe that the above interview is the best birthday present Duke Geoffrey could get.
Mr. Malcolm Craig was born in Massachusetts, where his mother's family had lived for more than 300 years. When his father became a Professor of Meteorology at Florida State University, the family moved to Florida, where Malcolm attended high school. He returned home to attend Harvard College and earn a B.A. in Medieval History. Soon after graduation, he married Allys Palladino. They moved 13 times during the first 13 years of their marriage, living in Massachusetts, Canada, Virginia, France, and finally back in Florida again. There has been only one more move since 1980, when the first of their three sons was born, and that was for a distance of one block on the same street. Malcolm has an M.A. in Medieval Studies from the University of Toronto, and he studied Medieval History for several years at the University of Virginia. His dissertation on medieval Brittany and England was not completed, due partly to the need to work full-time with a growing family and partly to the declining job market for university historians. He explains his 30-odd years of work as a bureaucrat by the origins of modern bureaucracy in medieval England.
Dear Kasia, what a brilliant & extremely interesting blog! My thanks to both you & Mr Craig. Sharon certainly engendered a keen interest in Geoffrey with her novels & it's wonderful to further our knowledge through Mr Craig's studies via you Kasia. I am now going to check out "Proving Matilda" on Sharon's blog 2010 & must say I was really moved with your comment, Kasia, that Mr Craig has given Matilda back to her parents.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing that affects me for very different reasons is the poverty of affection among the Devil's Brood......a sad commentary really. But this "intra-familial strife" would most likely have been seen in a much different light in the MA. Values change, don't they?
What a wonderful read to start my day! Thanks again.
With brothers like John, Richard and Henry, no wonder Geoffrey has been over-shadowed. Good to see he has his supporters as well.
ReplyDeleteExcellent blog post. Shared on fb. :) xx
ReplyDeleteKasia, I enjoyed the article, spending time with the references, and the efforts of Mr. Craig. Thank you again. mrb
ReplyDeleteFascinating article thank you. I've always found Geoffrey to be the most interesting of Eleanor and Henry's sons. Especially because he is so often depicted with intelligence, whether you include sneakiness in that or not, as the defining aspect of his character. I've also always felt sorry for his daughter Eleanor, almost an entire life confined no matter how luxurious the confinement isn't much of a life.
ReplyDeleteKasia and Mac, what a great blog, one that does Geoffrey justice. We can probably all agree that Henry and Eleanor were flawed parents, but they certainly produced four very interesting sons and a remarkable daughter much like her remarkable mother in Joanna; the other two daughters, Matilda and Leonora, had successful marriages but led more conventional lives.
ReplyDeleteThis is Malcolm Craig. I was testing how to enter a comment on Kasia's blog. Apparently, using Anonymous (as Joan did above) is the avenue open to me. Thank you all for your kind comments. Kasia was the driving force behind this addition to her Young King blog, in honor of his favorite brother's birthday. Without all those questions she asked, I would never have had the forum to answer them. Sharon and Kasia both have copies of my 1977 article. Should any of you be interested in reading it, I would be pleased to send you a .pdf copy. Any request should be sent to my e-mail address:
ReplyDeleteI would like to say "Thank you!" for giving me the rare opportunity to welcome you to our blog, dear Malcolm! Words themselves are not enough to express my gratitude. I am so happy for both Geoffrey and Henry, the forgotten brothers.
DeleteThis is wonderful and a very useful article. Thank you for sharing it with me via Facebook.
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